Our guaranteed response time of two hours or less continues to wow our clients, and we’d love to have a chance to wow you, too. With both phone and online support, you can choose how to handle your technical support issues. We’ll be ready for you, either way. If you’re experiencing unacceptable downtime, long wait times with vendor technical support, or staff inefficiencies due to long learning curves or bugs in systems, we can probably save you money by finding an efficient solution to your technical support challenges.
We offer a few support options to meet your company’s needs;
Must of hour support is done via phone and remote connections and we also provide onsite support and training as needed.
Prepaid Support
This type of support is sold in blocks of hours and depending of the amount of hours we offer 2 price tiers
10 & 50 hr Blocks, one thing that makes this type of support attractive to customers is that the block of hours do not expire and once the hrs drop below 20% we bill you for a new block as needed.
Unlimited ERP Yearly support (Fixed fee)
This is offered for clients that use one of our ERP solutions, and it’s based on a fixed rate and it is based from a set of variables, for example Amount of Users being supported and if there are any modifications.
Please contact us if you are interested in obtaining a quote on this type of support.
All our clients have access to our support portal where they can submit new cases /requests and also track and communicate with us about every open support case, cases can be also opened by sending an email to support@akaconsulting.com (Please note your account has to be setup in our system to be able to submit support cases and request with either of this methods.
Response times vary on the severity and urgency of each request, there are 4 Levels of Severity
This level is usually for general use and operations questions that do not required an immediate response
This level is to submit a question or report a problem with your software and requests are usually responded within 4 hrs
This level is to Report an issue where your business operations are affected by an error or issue that does not allow you to conduct your business operations.
Response times on this severity is within 1 hr.
Urgent (System Down)
This level has the highest priority and usually we respond within 30 minutes, it is also recommended that besides submitting a case to follow up with a phone call to our support hotline.